Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can I transfer digital to 35mm film?

I want to convert a 2 minute digital video (powerpoint) to something that can be projected in a movie theatre (35mm film stock). Where/how can I do this? What is the price?

Can I transfer digital to 35mm film?opera mini

Honestly, i dont know of anyplace that will do that. Never eve heard of equipment that will do it either, and i do alot of theater work. Besides, the quality would suck anyways in most cases for anything residential. Theres gotta be a way to do it though, hollywood does it all the time. but its gonna cost big bucks my friend

Can I transfer digital to 35mm film?passions soap opera opera theater

You need to find someone who can convert digital movie to telecine. Some film production will point you in the right direction. But don't bother. It costs around US$20,000 to make a 2 hour movie so therefore, you would be paying about $166 per minute. It would be better to get yourself a digital projector.

Unrealistic future?

Ive been trying to decide what I should major in, and I was thinking of owning my own movie theatre, and major in business. Is this unrealistic and imaginitive? Is there any security in this idea at all?

Unrealistic future?extension

Nothing is impossible if you really want and work for it. That will be a big undertaking though. You will need to get funding and definitely your Business Degree. There are risks in owning any business, just make sure that you check out all the specifics like location, costs and all the other stuff while you prepare for your future. Good Luck with that! I hope it comes true for you!

Unrealistic future?movie theater opera theater

if you're barely starting college my best advice to you would be to get general ed classes. Once you're in your second year you should realize what you want to be. But that sounds really realistic :) Go for it. Whoever says you can't are the people that have failed. So dont' listen to negative people.. do what you want to do :) be happy and do what makes you happy ! :)
take up ur masters degree in management...try 2 get learn sumthin practically by bein employed in sum co. wr. u get 2 learn d nuances of business.... nd then decide upon sumthin which is in vogue nd do ur ground work properly b4 u cud lay ur feet on anythin.
Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, give it some more thought, such as why would you want to do this, if it is only because you like movies... Also consider the risks of such a business...
A business degree is useful for almost anything you do in life. However, entrance can be very competitive

This is flirting right?

when a guy slaps you playfully, and touches you and stuff. Cas, I went to the movie theatre and my friend started doing that to me.

This is flirting right?secure browser

Sure sounds like flirting to me....have some fun, flirt back....oh, this is exciting for you! Hope everything works out...

This is flirting right?home theater opera theater

Yeah, but still on the light side. You like him?
Yessir. that is flirting for you! Haha the real fun kind!
no thats harssment flirting is talking
Yupp that is flirting all right! haha.
go get it girl/ boy!! Enjoy it, I do Enjoy it-----lol-----
it can mean that he likes you, but there are times when they are just being friendly.
Well that basically is a guys way of flirting if you like him flirt back
Yeah that's flirting!
ofcourse vey much, but its all in a good way...
That is flirting.
haha, yep. that's definitely flirting

Employee rights?

I have a friend who works at the movie theatre and constantly complains about having to stand and tear tickets w/o a break for anywhere from 5-8 hours non-stop. That seems a little extreme to me as well, and I was wondering if there was a limit as to how long an employer could make someone stay on his feet w/o a break

Employee rights?opera singer

I find it hard to believe that for 5-8 hours there are movies starting non stop and your friend has no down time. Sounds more like an exageration. Sometimes people just need to suck it up. If your friend is complaining about tearing ticket stubs at a movie theatre and it's so horrible....well maybe they oughta find an easier job....oh wait...there isn't one!

Employee rights?amc theater opera theater

Damn I hate kids that don't want to work anymore, as long as they are paying you stand!, and by the way the jerks at the theater do not stand that long, he's lying.
hopefully thats not in CA.!!!

Labor has no rights anymore. Work or be fired.

Thats what happens when Unions are broken and the unemployment rate is as high as it is. They can find replacements easy enough who would love to have the job.
In most states if there isn't a union present in the company, breaks are not mandated. It is very hard to believe though that he wouldn't get one.
If he/she has to tear entry tickets, then they would be tearing them for about 15 minutes before the programme starts, and maybe about 10 minutes for late-comers. Then they have a break until the next programme starts. Sounds pretty easy, to me
Perhaps your friend needs to find a new line of work. It could be worse, he could work in a factor and have to be on his feet for 12 hr shift AND be lifting heavy objects or inspecting material for quality.

Laws vary from state to state, but under federal law, there is no requirement that an employee has to be given a break or a lunch:

"Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. However, when employers do offer short breaks (usually lasting about 5 to 20 minutes), federal law considers the breaks work-time that must be paid. Unauthorized extensions of authorized work breaks need not be counted as hours worked when the employer has expressly and unambiguously communicated to the employee that the authorized break may only last for a specific length of time, that any extension of the break is contrary to the employer's rules, and any extension of the break will be punished.

Bona fide meal periods (typically lasting at least 30 minutes), serve a different purpose than coffee or snack breaks and, thus, are not work time and are not compensable. "

The only exception is under OSHA that requires that an employee have access to bathroom and be allowed to take reasonable bathroom breaks if needed,

Please help me come up with a good word problem for systems of linear equations?

there are so many in text books and on the web but they all seem unneccessary. they give you stipulations that help you come up with each equation and then you can solve but they ask you to solve for something that should be easily obtainable anyway.

for example,

"The admission fee at a small fair is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain day, 2200 people enter the fair and $5050 is collected. How many children and how many adults attended?"

if they can count how many people enter the fair, why don't they just count how may adults tickets they sell?

or "at a movie theatre, 2 drinks and a popcorn cost $8.00. and 3 drinks and 2 popcorns cost $12.00. how much does a drink cost and how much does a popcorn cost?"

why can't you just look at the menu and see?

I'm trying to find a more realistic problem that actually has a real value to show that this is a lesson worth learning


Please help me come up with a good word problem for systems of linear equations?city opera

problems involving mixing solutions

Please help me come up with a good word problem for systems of linear equations?performing shows opera theater

maybe you could write something like:

You check the menu at a store, popcorn costs $1, and soda costs $0.50. You have $5, and decide to buy 2 sodas and 1 popcorn. The store clerk gave you back $2.50. Find how much more you should get back.
If apples are $1.49 per pound and oranges are 3 for $1.00 how many shingles does it take to roof a barn?

If you agree to hold someones seat, how long should this apply?

A stranger in a packed movie theatre asked me to hold her seat, I agreed and turned away at least 20 people who asked if it was taken. She never came back and after about 20 minutes I let someone else sit there. I think this is extremely rude, what is the etiquette for this situation?

If you agree to hold someones seat, how long should this apply?passions soap opera

Maybe next time say "Sure, for a few minutes. Then I'm going to let people sit there so hurry back." In reality, I don't know what I'd do. I'd want to be nice to everyone, and that wouldn't work.

If you agree to hold someones seat, how long should this apply?mr messed up opera theater

I can say maybe until your moral allows you to or until you really have to go

Well, you are doin a good deed, so you did the right thing, you dont have to worry because they left you there -you did a good deed
its okay i guess, just ask them and make sure they come back
15 min. at the most
If it is a brand new movie than I am not sure I would have taken on the responsibility of watching their seat. Not being mean so much as I don't want to be holding people back who are ready to sit down for the movie not trying to hold seats and buy popcorn at the same time. I think that it is rude that they even asked.
If u are a good friend you should hold someones seat until they get back,from whatever there doing,so they won't have to find a diffent seat.
Wow, that is rude of her. I would say about 10-15 minutes, but really, you shouldn't have to hold a seat for a complete stranger.
You should never hold a seat for anyone. You should have told the woman,that you could'nt do it. If the seats are not "reserved",then people can sit where they choose.
juss ask them how long they will be if the y say for to long then juss politely say that u cant do it
I think you went above and beyond! I would have given her 5 mins. tops! Sometimes people can be so rude! I would never ask a complete stranger to do that unless it was an extreme emergency!
15 minutes max.

That was rude of her to do that.
Normally when someone asks you to hold their seat, they mean it and appreciate it. Perhaps the woman had some sort of an emergency (even a minor one), and coming back to tell you to stop holding her seat was not feasible. In the very rare case of a person being inconsiderate, I would not stop being considerate with the world at large because of that occasional incident.
You can hold my seat any time you want to for as long as you want to.

Recommend the best place in the world for me to live?

Where can I live in the world? (not just the USA please) ?

- Lakefront house 3000-6500 sqft %26amp; 1-6 acres under $1m

and not in any residential community association

- Temp. 60-110F (preferably 60-80F)

- %26lt; 1 hr from an airport

- Near a university of some sort

- Medical facility within 15 min

- Culture (ie. hispanic or asian or other cultural influences) or

Historical district nearby antique shops

- Small town atmosphere (ppl say hi!)

- Preferably banking industry

- Services such as grocery store, drug store, movie theatre

bookstore, maybe a walmart/target/superkmart nearby.

Perhaps even playhouse

- If outside the USA, hired help would be affordable

- I like trees and tropical foilage as well. No open plains for me.

Ok thanks. PS this is not a joke.

pps. I am 36 hubby is 40 and we have no kids but will one day

Recommend the best place in the world for me to live?movie theater

Look into Columbia Missouri.

Recommend the best place in the world for me to live?tickets opera theater

Try one of the Caribbean islands.
Omg, you seriously just described this place i know of.

It's called Aspen, Colorado.

Beautiful views, nice people, skiing resorts, top of the line hospitals,(and bookstores) 15 minutes from an airport.

I'm not sure if they have a university, but they have several learning districts and a great rec center.

Several ice skating rinks, movie theaters.

And plus, its not a huge city.

The air is actually clean, there isn't pollution.

Its the perfect place to live.

(if you can afford it)
a person will enjoy maximum where he belongs.try to stay permanently there only.
