Saturday, December 5, 2009

What harmless crime are you still commiting?

I mean the little ones like, driving while talking on your cell phone. Taking supplies from work, jaywalking, bringing food into the movie theatre. What are you guilty of doing? I am guilty of two of those that I Not telling which one.

What harmless crime are you still commiting?

stealing internet from the neighbor's wireless connection :)

What harmless crime are you still commiting?opera mobile opera theater

All of the above and more. If I could steal cable or internet, I'd be on that, too.
picking my nose while in church
I brought a BK fish sandwich in a movie theatre once, it stunk the whole cinema up!!
Talking on my cell phone in no cell while driving zones...
downloading music from limewire
I get into 18rated films at the cinema ^^
All of these and speeding. I'm sure many more.
Bringing food into the movie theater is a big one and also sneaking into the movie theater without paying. I also cut corners at work when I am cleaning.
Speeding, taking my mom's debit card from her wallet to buy starbucks sometimes, downloading torrents.
Picking fights with clowns until I finally meet Mr. Bobobo again....I'll get my revenge for him spraying the water from that flower on me when I was 5! Wait and see! lol
all of the above and then some......:o)
Can't think of one.
I will never tell:)
Lol...I couldn't think of anything, but I do the bringing food into the theatre thing. : }

I know someone who hordes the condiments and napkins from the fast food restaurants and uses them at!
mugging rich people in dark alleys.
peeing on the seat a little
I am also guilty of two of the ones you mentioned.
I would have to say I have done all... one more than others... I am not saying which
Jaywalking to cross the street at the ball game and bringing food into the's hella expensive! I can buyt a bag of chips for a dollar plus tax %26amp; be set for the movie.
I freeload, jaywalk, take outside food to the theater, ride in cars without a seatbelt, walk around town past my curfew, and sometimes accidentaly "disturb the peace". My parents should be happy I don't drink or use drugs. And Lars Ulrich should be glad I don't illegally download Metallica songs...very often.
I still view the Speed Limit signs as suggestions rather than absolutes. They suggest 65 and I comply with 75.

I also view Stop Signs as open to interpretation. If I can see all around me and no one is coming, then I view the Stop Sign as optional and blow right through it.

With regards to Signal Lights, Amber means "go like hell."
i didnt know limewire was bad, if it is i am guilty :(
All the ones u mentioned except the stealing supplies from work...i'm a SAHM.

Other than that, hmmmm......speeding maybe,california stops (rolling stops), speeding up on a yellow light.
I am a coupon addict.

I will save money by any means necessary.

I'm wanted in 12 other states for cheating @ self-checkout registers for using multiple coupons for each item... as many as possible, until I get the item for free.
I am gulity of several thing....Like getting free pops out of the pop machine at work.......I got a 24 pack at my desk :)
wow done all of those and snuck into a different movie theater
stealing (money)
drinking and driving, still use drugs once in a blue moon, speeding, among others.

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