Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is my life really as boring as I think?

I mean, I see people have fun on TV and I look at other peoples myspace pages. Ive never been to a beach, never been to a bar or club, or a movie theatre. Ive been playing World of Warcraft and everquest before that since I was 14, (i'm 22 now), and all I do is work. When I was in college I expected to make a friend like people on TV go to parties and make friends but I never made one or been to a party. Is all this just TV? Is life really just nothing? All I do now is go to work and sleep.. and its lonely. I don't have anyone to talk to.

Is my life really as boring as I think?tickets

I went to ONE party in college that was it. To top it off, it was boring! I am 42 and have been to about ten parties all my life. Movies Theatres are over-rated; the last time I was in one was when Forrest Gumpp came out! I lived by the ocean for years. Many people have never seen the ocean though, and you鈥檙e still young and have your whole life to get to the coast.

Television glorifies life, just as glamour magazines make women think they have to be thin.. Sometimes life can be fun and a party here and there. It is not all fun and games. It certainly is not like TV either; the people are not ALL gorgeous and rich with nice cars. The older you get the less fun and games it is.

There are more bills, car payments, kids and responsibilities. Not to say it's not all worth it. Life has it rewards.

Did or do you have any friends, Family members or cousins from childhood?

If you are shy or unsure of yourself, maybe you could try chatting online to people. This answers Website is a good start, you are reaching out.

Maybe you could try to find a sport, preferably outdoors; such as Mountain Biking, jogging or even walking. You will feel great from the exercise and could very well meet many nice people. It鈥檚 the same as if you had a dog to walk everyday. You could get a rescue dog from the pound that is already housebroken...Use your imagination and go out and find things you may enjoy. If anything, think of all the money you are saving by NOT having friends borrow from you or spending it on a date!

Is my life really as boring as I think?ballet opera theater

(Leaves to go to a bar)
Make the move yourself to go out. You say that you have never been to a bar or club than just go one night. Talk to other people and work and if they are going out than go along with them sort of thing - the only way to meet new people is to go out there and do things, you won't people while staying at home.
Okay.... here's what your gonna do. Your gonna stop asking people on this site if your life is boring. Your gonna close your computer. Your gonna go to a local bar and enjoy yourself for the night. Then, your gonna start the steps all over again. You can be serious and driven, but you need to enjoy yourself from time to time.
well if your life is like that,then just go to a bar make some friends interact with some people. i mean a couple hours ago i went bowling with my friend, by the end of the night we ended up making 5 new friends. go to a club you can meet alot of people there, you gotta live a little, lifes too short.
Join some kind of class, like drawing.

Could be fun.

Well, I like drawing, but...those people in the class are kind of to themselves...Join a language class! They HAVE to interact.
There is a routine to life for everyone.But besides that you should make friends,go out,join a gym,club.The world is full of fun,you have to go and find it.
yes. you are very bored. have you seriously never been to a movie theatre?
ummmmmmm yea i hate to b the one to tell u that ur life is a lil borin.....i mean i work and go to school to but u hav eto find time to do other things too....b more open with ppl....and things will start to happen......but dont get too into it and do wild and crazy things cause then they can lead down a bad path.
life is what you make it. if you just sit in your apartment and sulk, then you will be lonely for the rest of your life. go out. do something crazy. get wasted. c'mon, you only have one life.
Well, I don't want to make you feel bad but I'm only 15 and I've done quite a few fun things in my life and I consider my life to boring. But don't worry, everybody lives life at their own pace. I'm sorry your lonely and I'm sure you'll find time to explore and have a blast! Good luck
Dude no offense but... your a loser. Go out and get some friends, get a girlfriend and have some sex, go to a bar and get drunk. This is what W.O.W. does to people that game is EVIL!! it should be destroyed.
You are victim of so called "modernisation", "globalisation" etc. Your mind is like an empty room and that is not your fault... try to develop some hobbies and decrease the TV makes you dull %26amp; void....try to make friends.....loneliness will devour you.
Well I can sympathize with you to a degree. I too work and sleep to pass the time and it is very lonely. Especially since I am 28 and live alone. However every now and then my friends drag me out to a bar or something. You would be surprised what a difference a night out will make in our lonely lives.
That sucks, dude. interact with soem colleagues. Make an opinion during lectures. Maybe then you'll bring some attention. say hi to some people-although some may find it weird. Smile more often. Maybe you'll attract some gal somewhere. You don't want to end up like Andy from "The 40-Year Old Vilrgin" (not that I know about your sex life, dude). Good Luck!
You need to make some friends and start enjoying your life a little more. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try to hook up with someone to go out with. A lot of adult females are timid when it comes to trying to make new friends. We become so jaded with all of the junior high and high school popularity contests that it makes us more afraid of trying to begin adult friendships later. It's a whole different ballpark now though, so don't be afraid to get in line and take your swing!

Life doesn't reflect tv but it doesn't have to be as boring as you make it sound. Find a church and make friends there or hook up with like-minded individuals through the internet. Start a MYSPACE and begin looking for people with the same interests as you. Check the personal pages for individuals who are just seeking friends! Sometimes people will put ads on there when they want to make some connections and find people to just hang out with. Good luck! You can always e-mail me if you need someone to talk to you! Brandie228@yahoo!
you know what is your problem?

you think too much!!!!
Sounds to me like you just need to get out and meet more people. Just cause you have not done these things does not mean you will not do them. Do not underestimate yourself as there is a lot said about you working. Most people who are the partying type either do not have jobs or have a hard time keeping them.

Just realize there is a lot more to life then what is shown on TV and most people take advantage of what they have in their area. If you live by the beach for example you will find you can have fun there but if not then you will have to choose things that are local to you.

I suggest you get out to places and find friends. Try the YMCA or such, the library, the local coffee joint, and other places that interest you and try to meet new people there. Good luck!
Your life is your life.

Your life became boring because you were depending on TVs.

You make your life with your foot.

You gotta step into something.

Go to the beach.

Go to the bar or club.

Go to the parties.

Starting off your life is the important in your life.

Good luck yo!
Like a tortoise, you are always in to your shell but there is nothing wrong with you. I know, deep inside you want to be among your friends, need a girl badly and want to roam around with her but you don't dare to do all these!! You wanted everyone to say that you are a perfect nice gentleman but now you know an inert person is never considered as perfect!!! I presume, you seldom smile even!!

Change your attitude!! Be positive- smile profusely, extend a warmth in your eyes, say a few pleasant words to others whom you meet, dress well and go out with your best attire. When a move is made by someone, reciprocate. Be good to others and others will be good to you.From an Introvert, try to become an extrovert!!!! All the best!!
You don't really NEED to do anything. A lot of people are more than happy to tell you how, on this site and in real life, how they think you should be living your life, as if they know any better than anyone else which they obviously don't. However it gives them a chance to act smart and speak condescendingly to another human being which in turn gives their petty existence some semblance of meaning.

Only you can answer what is right for you. A lot of the bar scene is people bragging, showing off, acting like superficial morons and superior to each other, and talking about things that you wish they would just shut up about. Just keep looking and you will find your niche somewhere.
You are still very young! Only 22! Do you have anyone at work that you think you can ask to go out and get drinks with? Are you happy with your job? If not you can find another with different people different experiences. What do you like to do? Do you like camping, horse back riding, drinking wine? Do you dancing? Want to learn how to dance like tango, waltz, salsa etc take a class! Want to do something hands on go rock climbing or take a ceremics class! Want to meet 'guys' take an auto shop. What to learn how to scuba dive or skydive go for it! All you need to do is have a positive out look on life! Tv is tv they make it that exciting so people can watch it...they edit stuff out major so don't sit there and think they got it better because how would you know? Just because a person is around a lot of people all the time doesn't make them happy! If you want to go and get more schooling go for it! Sign up for a reality show why not? lol there is so much to do! I know how you feel ..because i have been there! Seeing everyone happy and all that while being sad isnt fun but you should think of it as after everything said and done everything will be ok at the end...good luck! Keep the chin high and smile baby because your young and live your life!
dude go to a bar and get laid damn it how many times do i have to say this?! GET LAID %26gt;_%26lt; grrmumblegrr
this is a good question.

you can visit maybe there are some people could help you.

and there is another website

have fun^-^

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