Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do you think is the sweetest? To see an older couple holding hands and obviously still deeply i

Or New love, to see a couple who are young and obviously infatuated with each other?

I saw an old couple one time %26amp; she was sitting right beside him in the vehicle, then they got out and walked into th movie theatre holding hands. It was so sweet. That is what i pray to have with my husband. Forever. Personally that is my fav. one to see. It's adorable.

What do you think is the sweetest? To see an older couple holding hands and obviously still deeply in love.?concerts

My wife died just before our 38th wedding anniversary and I am proud to say we held hands everywhere we went. Regardless of your age, hold, touch, and love like there is no tomorrow, there may not be.

What do you think is the sweetest? To see an older couple holding hands and obviously still deeply in love.?headache opera theater

The former for sure.
the old couple!!!!!
An older couple that has been married for a long time (not newly married). It's nice to know that their love lasted that long.
I too think it is so cute seeing an older couple holding hands and looking deeply in love....
Older couple...seems so sweet - tho it could just as well be NEW Love for them as well.
I agree with you.
The older couple because chances are the new love will NOT last; )
old...many many many years of trials and still holdin on
both as long they all love each other forever
I could care less about dopey young people in "love" most of them have no clue what true "love" even is.......people that have weathered life's storms together for years and years, now THAT is something to appreciate!!!!!
Honestly and this is going to sound strange, but I saw a couple once, probably mid-50's. Both of them were blind. Each had a seeing eye dog. Her dog was obviously younger and she was still trying to train him effectively. He was helping her with that and also with his dog who was the older and more well trained of the two. They had matching wedding bands on. And it made me think how a couple who loves each other can really get over any hurdles in their lives. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Doug: Thank you. You've actually brought tears to my eyes.
Oh, hands down, old couple. I just so want that! You see the little old man helping her out of the car and they do their little old walk hand in hand with no other care in the world. How do you have a love that deep? Amazing.
The old couple holding hands still deeply in loves. It proves that fairy tales do come true and happily ever after really does exist.
Me too, I'm fascinated with older people who look and still in love with each other. My parents, now in their 35th year still kiss and hold hands. My parents-in-law, they're old and still in love for 57 years now. So sweeeet.
My grandfather (78) still pats my grandmother on the rear. I think that is the cutest thing in the world.

I think I鈥檓 too young to appreciate new love. When I see it I usually get annoyed or ask my boyfriend why we aren鈥檛 that crazy anymore. Maybe when I鈥檓 older, I鈥檒l appreciate it more.
I just love seeing older people holding hands and just enjoying each other and still in love after A lot of years. If you see young love you wonder how long that will really last or is it really love?
the older couple....
The old couple for sure!
the older couple...because you know the younger couple is just going to be a mess, broken up or fighting all the time, in a few months or years if they are lucky anyways (sorry, im a bit pesimistic)
A Newlywed couple seeing an older couple because it so sweet to know that some people grow old together.
It is always sweeter to see an older couple still in love. Knowing that this couple has weathered all the storms that come at married couples and still they have stuck together and made a life together.

Good Luck
I agree that the older couple is the sweeter one to watch. My parents are both in the same nursing home, several states away. Dad is in the alzheimer's wing and mom is in the regular care section. My sister arranges for them to have a special meal in a private room on days like this. They can no longer live in the same room together, but they get together almost every day. Dad may not always remember details, but when he recognizes my mom, he still lets her know he loves her.
Definitely the older couple....the new lovers are usually just in heat!

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