Saturday, December 5, 2009

I feel like an inconvenience because i pee all the time?

i'm only 18 weeks pregnant and i literally have to pee every fifteen minutes. i went downtown with some family for the fourth of July. i feel like i caused so much trouble because i had to use the bathroom so much. it seemed like all we did was wander around trying to find me a bathroom. as soon as i went i was already on the look out for another one. it was so embarrassing. i feel like i slowed everyone down. at one point i had to pee so bad that i really could not hold it for another second. we went into the closest place(a movie theatre) and they guy wouldnt let me use the bathroom. i had to go so bad that i started crying, i told him i was pregnant and i begged him to let me go. he still said no so my husband told me to just run to the bathroom anyway. so i went to walk past the guy and he tried grabbing me. my husband made a big scene telling him to get his F-ing hands off me and i ran crying into the bathroom. im so embarrassed this all happened in front of my family.....

I feel like an inconvenience because i pee all the time?dream theater

I'm sorry you are emabarassed, and I know the hormones just make it worse. However, you should not be embarassed. Normal people realize that pregnant women pee a lot and it doesn't bother them. I'm sure your family understood. As for the guy at the theater, what a dick. Really, pleased don't be embarrassed. I'm the same way, and to top it all off ever sense about 28 weeks, if I sneeze, cough, or laugh to hard I pee on my self, now thats embarrassing. Never enough that anyone can tell but I know and I'm still mortified, so next time you start to feel bad, think of me and say to yourself at least I'm not her :)

I feel like an inconvenience because i pee all the time?performing arts opera theater

awww thats crazy. You dont have to be embarrassed or feel bad. You have a baby inside of you kicking and pushing on your bladder. Its nothing you can help and they should be understanding.
I myself never experienced this, I peed at normal intervals.

But I wouldn't be embarrassed if I were you. You can't help that your uterus is pushing against your bladder.

There's really not much you can do about it except maybe wear a diaper. (I kid I kid)
I am sorry you are feeling bad about this. I think you have an awesome husband though. Do not worry, it gets better in the second trimester. But then worse in the third.... But it is temporary.
Well if you are truly worried about it, maybe you could wear and incontinence pad or depends. That way you can have a backup plan if you don't make it. However, that really does sound a little excessive to me. you might want to contact your doctor.
When I was around 18 weeks pregnant now 30 weeks pregnant I did the same thing. I was always looking out for a bathroom as we were driving or walking the mall. My daughter said out loud GOSH mom you have to go to the bathroom again. I said out lout suuuuure do, I'm pregnant and I have to go. Now that I'm 30 weeks pregnant I have to go all the time.
i really don't think there is anything you CAN do...... unless you're willing to resort to adult diapers. :-/ i'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and i pee extremely often too.... just gotta suck it up. sorry i can't be of more help. congrats on your pregnancy
I am 25 weeks now and I am now going thru the peeing every fifteen minutes. Sucks huh? Dont worry about slowing people down or bothering people. When you are pregnant and you have to have to pee. No questions about that. And kudos to your husband for being so helpful. We went to the fireworks show last night and I had to leave 3 times to find a I understand. Just learn to live with it...and keep smiling. It will be over before you know it.
Oh dont be embarassed, your pregnant. And good for your husband!! If I were you I would talk to your doctor and see if you have a UTI infection, it is very common during preganancy.

Good luck.
Don't be embarrassed I know how you feel. I was at work the other night talking to an officer from a ship and had to pee and had to be asked to be excused and gave the phone to someone else. I felt bad because I just couldn't help it.

As for the movie theatre guy he should have showed a little bit of compassion. Do not feel bad at all!
I feel for you. You shouldn't feel bad though because it is something out of your control.

Honestly though, I would ask your doctor about this. You might have a urinary tract infection. They are very common in pregnancy. At 18 weeks, your uterus is not that big yet to be pressing so heavily on your bladder, so you should not have to pee that often. I would check with your doctor to make sure there isn't something simple that can be taken care of. Best wishes.
You poor thing I went through a stage off peeing like this at around 18 weeks and the good news is it did ease off, I think the baby must have been lying down low on my bladder. Please don't feel like a burden there's absolutely nothing you can do about this - it's all part of being pregnant. That bloke sounds like a complete a*rsehole! Hopefully that is a one off occurrence - most people are really kind and considerate towards pregnant women, especially when you start to get bigger. Try not to let this get you down, the non-stop peeing will ease off and your baby will be here before you know it :-)
that guys was just mean. anyways I'm 13 weeks an 5 days pregnant and I pee all the time. we drove home to see my family for the fourth usually it is just a straight trip home with no stops. we had to stop 3 times so i could pee. it was not what i would call a fast or fun ride. anyways i wouldn't worry about though rude people so much. eventually it will get better even with a tilted uterus. good luck and congrats!
Just blame the baby ; ) and bear it. That's all you can really do.

But next time someone tells you You can't use the restroom Tell them they're going to need a mop. That generally get them moving.

Sorry you were caught up in a scene like that, having a baby shouldn't be a souce of angst.

You might have an easier time being out if it's not a walking excursion. Something were you're seated like a movie, restaruant, finding a bench and watching wildlife might be a lot better.

Good luck, the quicker you can laugh about it the quicker life will pass it by.

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