Saturday, December 5, 2009

Womens restrooms are groser than mens?

i work at a movie theatre and from time to time have to clean the restrooms and every time i find that the womans restroom is dirtier than the mens. And sometimes women leave some nasty (and i mean nasty) things in the restroom. I don't get it... women are soposed to be devine creatures not pigs who can't clean up after themselves. Why are the mens bathrooms cleaner than the womens?

Womens restrooms are groser than mens?pacific theater

It's just one of the myths that women are cleaner then men.

Taking a shower and changing underwear every day does not mean that one is clean.

You're right. Women's bathrooms are generally much nastier then men's.

Like you, I don't understand it, but I guess there's plenty of us girls out there, real pigs...

Womens restrooms are groser than mens?phantom of the opera opera theater

I have no idea I always wondered that.
because we go in, do our business, and leave...we don't "hang out" in there
Because some women leave their nasty tampons's so gross, I don't know why some women are like that.
you r right.
Men come there for 1 purpose. Only.
You'll find that in time - the women's may be messier - but the men's will eventually smell like the *** end of an elephant with no ability to remove the scent.

I worked in a 75 year old theatre. The women's room was a garden comparatively.
Cos men just stand to pee then walk out. They don't wash their hands so there will be no paper towel mess and the don't have periods so no mess there either. And men are usually to embarrassed to poop in there so that's why there is no mess in a mens room. There is the smell though yuk!!
Wouldn't you hate to go visit some of these folks at home?? I always try to leave things neater than i found it but some restrooms ,,wel l I am just plum scared of them.....
really? Ive been in some pretty gross mens rooms i cant believe women can be even dirtier.
Most boys are still raised to be 'gentlemen'. Girls are being raised to be feminist, which, from what I can tell, doesn't have a code of conduct.
Finally someone else notice this I don't mean to offend anyone but some women are NASTY THEN HELL......
Probably because men spend much less time in the restroom. Men just pee all over the place and then leave. Lots of women, for some strange reason, don't seem to know how to properly dispose of pads or tampons. Some women insist upon "hovering" to pee, instead of papering the seat or using seat protectors. Some women who use seat protectors just leave them there instead of flushing them. Then there's the women who insist on combing their hair all over the restroom and leaving hairballs everywhere. Or they just toss paper towels everwhere. These women have absolutely no hometraining, or they are just lazy and figure that somebody will eventually clean up after them.
get in get out... just cuz its called a rest room doesnt mean we should stay in there and understand that women dont...
You are so right, womens restrooms are dirtier than Men's. And this isn't just in the good old USA. I travel a lot and find this to be true in western Europe too!

So what is it about us. Is it because we are afraid to actually sit, so we spread our stuff all over? What ever it is, I call on the women of the world to unite, and clean up their respective acts!

(I've been know to slip into the men's room in a deserted airport or restaurant for this very reason!)
First, I think that moms are not teaching their daughters to clean up after themselves. Then there are the women who go into a restroom and look at it as gross to begin with and treat it shabbily. Then there are the women who would never do it at home and leave a mess all over the place in public restrooms (fitting rooms too). They are the sneaky pigs.

Men do not have as much to do in a public restroom. Plus men are much more private about getting in and out of a bathroom then women. We know all the stuff we might have to take care of in there from personal to make up touch ups.

It is gross the way women treat public restrooms and fitting rooms.

What bugs me even more? The women who do not wash their hands after being in a stall. EEww!
I owned a cleaning business for many many years, and this is absolutely true. Women are absolute disgusting pigs in restrooms. They have no self pride. It's almost as if they are proud of being disgusting..

I can't believe there are some women on here actually defending being a pig... It's called "SELF PRIDE" I don't care if we do stand, and we don't spend as much time in there.. It's self pride and being a pig is down right disgusting!

We're not just talking about a paper towel on the ground.. it's nasty tampons left on the ground, and piss and **** on the seats and walls. Just down right nasty stuff. I honestly feel if more guys would enter a womans restroom, most guys would be thinking twice about a womans hygene. And to answer those who say no towels on the ground in mens rooms because we don't wash our hands after.. WRONG.. most men always wash their hands.

And to the one who says their mothers don't teach them hygene? I guess the mothers ONLY teach the guys then?? Just face it.. girls are just pigs when it comes to hygene. Pretty sad.... but it's true.
they only touch the wall above the urinal and rarely wash

women however have more to touch

including the woman who was in the next stall talking on her cell phone while doing her business

imagine the yucky germs there even if she washes her hands
Women are more self-involved than men are. They have a hard time with common courtesy. Men can be pigs but what you notice is not an anomaly.
well, it's kinda the same principle as in the gang/thug life ...when girls go "bad" they are much more scandulous than a male EVER could be! Why? Emotionality. what do guys do in the bathroom? whip 'er out, get er done, %26amp; hopefully flush. Girls aren't there for the movie often anyway, o make up, menses, %26amp; (e) motions make for an untidy bathroom. But it's not just the theater, I have often found that to be true many places. Sometimes I'm afraid something is gonna jump up from somewhere on me, so I keep my pants up %26amp; hold it till i reach a "safe-pee-place" lol which is usually at home! I don't obsess over it, but I avoid bathroooms like theaters, walmart, %26amp; kiddie joints like the mall...
Well in all my years (and thats been manyyyyyy) any restrooms that I've had to clean its always been the mens that have needed more cleaning than the ladies.

In my 20's we owned a campground and the bathrooms had to be down twice daily - the mens were horrendous compared to the womens.

Now in my 50's and working in a huge store and although not cleaning the restrooms but needing to check them - the mens is always dirtier than the womens.

I wonder if it has anything to do with where we all live and the people that live there????
Oh, so true.

They are so disgusting that I just try to hold it until I get home.

I think there are some really filthy women out there who think they can do what they want because they don't have to clean up after themselves.

It is disrespectful to expect cleaners to clean up deliberate, nasty filth.

The worst thing I have seen in a public bathroom was a used tampon in the what is that about.

I think women are trying to be clean, like squatting over the toilet, but end up being messier because they don't want to touch anything. I worked in a restaurant, too. That's the best explanation I've been able to come up with.
Wow, and I thought the men's rooms were gross enough with wet floors and all... but after reading all the answers, it sure looks like there is a consensus.

Kinda icky though, reading about tampons in sinks and all... just a little too much info there. :)
Men go and do a job and leave. There is a singular purpose to being there. The same applies to bachorette suites, or women living on their own. They are pigs in their homes and in their cars.
LMAO where is this? Well I dont totally disagree with you there, because some ladies toilets are tres disgusting, however in general I think mens toilets are the worst
Every public womens room I've used (gas station, mall, fast food restaurant, etc.) has been *relatively* clean. There are certain exceptions (mom and pop gas station in the middle of po-dunk nowhere), but for the most part, public restrooms I've used are decent enough. I have noticed, however, that movie theater restrooms are really pretty nasty. I don't know what it is about them that makes them stay this way. If I had to guess, I'd say because they're usually larger than most public restrooms (an average restaurant would have 4 stalls--and average movie theater would have 10 - 12 to accomodate the number of women who rush out of a theater all at once and have to pee, lol). Rest areas are also large and have a large number of stalls, but they keep people on staff specifically for cleaning--that's it. I would imagine that the theater where you work doesn't employ one person just to clean--they probably give the girl who makes popcorn and rings up food sales the duty of cleaning the bathroom once per shift, correct?

Then again, a big part of it is probably that some women are just pigs--they don't have to clean it up, so why should they care if they don't flush or they end up peeing on the toilet seat? I think the main reason is though that there is such a high number of people using the bathroom it just stays dirty.
i have been to some nasty restrooms while travelling, wome so bad i have opted to pee outside! there is no explanation as to why a gal would leave a restroom stall without flushing or putting their paper towel in the trash bin. it is sheer laziness cause someone else gets paid to clean after them.
it depends where u go really because some mens room's are like a dump.
Over the years I've cleaned my share of public bathrooms and have always wondered the same thing. You have to wonder what their bathrooms at home look like. A men's room will smell worse because so many of them can't aim, but a little extra sanitizer and the room is good to go.
How do you know that the mens restrooms are cleaner.

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