Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rumours about my boyfriend have been hurting me...?

Haven't seen my boyfriend since last Fri%26amp;I thought evrythin was getting better but for the past few days someone told me he was seen wearing make-up at the movie theatre,hanging out with his ***** ex that started something that broke us up back in November;I was completely hurt when I heard this%26amp;couldn't stop crying because every guy I've been with has hurt me%26amp;I finally thought i found someone who wouldn't.I really trust him%26amp;he is NOT the type of MAN to wear make-up;he'd usually make some joke about punching "black-eyed emo kids in the face%26amp;beating the crap out of them so they'd REALLY bleed",so it probably wasn't him.I wanted to call yesterday but I couldn't hold my composure long enough.He honestly genuinely cares about my feelings%26amp;is always the one who's told me everything'll be alright even when we were apart he still was one of the only people who REALLY cared about me and always showed it!I don't know what to do...i can't lose him again; not like can I cope?

Rumours about my boyfriend have been hurting me...?amc theater

Sweetie, just ask him. If he really cares he'll tell you the truth, and you'll know it's the truth deep in your gut.

If he lies, and you know he's lying, then let him go. He doesn't care about you if he lies.

Rumours about my boyfriend have been hurting me...?concerts opera theater

Leave it up to him. Rather than deciding to break up or to stay together, open it up for him to decide. Suggest taking a break and see what he says. If anything, it will at least get you all talking.

You need to call him, i know it's hard.

You Heart is hurt, but you know you need too.

It's the only way the get things straight.

Call and Ask.

God Bless You, Keep Being Strong!
well first talk to him about it if he says he didnt then you have to ask yourself if you trust him enough to belive him

if he said he did go there and he made a mistake. then you gotta eithr love and trust he wont do it agian or go on a little "timeout"
well talk to him.make sure its true before u get alll work up bout it.some people lie n say he is doin that but it could be wrong.i was just like u n i still am.its hard.u either have to believe him or the other person n what ever u pick it was for the best just rember that its for the best.i hope u get though this.jsut call him n get his side n then decide.i hope i could help
This is the 2nd time he's done. In my opinion, you should leave him. He'll do it again. And remember, action speaks louder than words. No matter what he says, look at what he does.

Anyway, exercise or doing something physical that is fun like kayaking, skiing, swimming always make me feel better. Going to the movies help alot too and going shopping (if you can afford it.) Good luck! I've been thru what you are going thru too so you're not the only one.
ask your self if you trust him? and build up the confidence to ask him about and the ex probaly spread that rumor and just punch the ex in her face because i would and if you think he cheating he most likely is because it's every mans dreams to have thousand of women at one time. and there will be clues that he is
let me tell you this... a lot of people don't say who they really are! I am not saying that it was him but i'm not saying it couldn't have been him! trust me i've been with a couple of guys who really lie about who they are. they try to make people see a certain image of them and they have to live up to it! like him saying he want to punch emo's , i mean he might like it deep inside but he's not going to admit because that's not how YOU see him!! i don'tknow if it makes any sense but believe me don't trust a guy 100% he may love you and what not, but it doesn't mean he is being truthful about other things.... my ex was that way and my bf today has his little side life as well.... they aren't mean, but if they feel ashamed of some part of their life, trust me they wont tell! and i used to feel the same exact way about my ex.. oh he loves me and all that crap and i don't doubt that he did but he really did things i thought he would never do because he portraiyed himself as the total opposite of that.. i hope it makes sense

oh and if you really want to know if he did it well ask him! if he get all defensive well it was him!! but i think you should just let it go it doesn't sound good to me
Let me say you need to communicate with him. Communication and Trust are two of the main components of a Healthy and stable relationship. No one can break up a relationship unless one of the parties involved in the relationship allows it.

I would suggest you sit down with him and discuss what you are feeling openly and honestly. If you have any doubts in what he is saying ask God to reveal the truth to you. I would suggest you never think that someone of the flesh is the only one that REALLY cares for you you'll be disappointed everytime. Don't get me wrong I was the same way until I learned better. My husband loves and cares for me but I know he is not the ONLY one that does.

Call him and talk it out. So at least you'll know what to expect one way or the other.

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