Thursday, December 10, 2009

Racism? How do you handle it?

I'm a 19 year old, young black man. I have friends from every ethnicity and I have no hatred for any of them. The other day I was insulted when I was going out with some friends (who are white), one of them looked in my van and said that he never would have guessed that van was mine because it had fishing equipment in it and he didn't think black people could fish. I replied that he was right and I don't fish, I just use the equipment to hunt and trap stupid white people who don't know when to shut up and he got quiet. Then at the movie theatre he made another seemingly rude observation to point out that I was the only black guy and he wanted to know how it made me feel. I ignored the last one. I do not hate or dislike anyone from any ethnicity, and I believe that what I said was wrong and I shouldn't fight fire with fire. I simply make friends according to their character and value, but was I really wrong and what should I have done?

Racism? How do you handle it?concert venue

Just ignore them!They're not worth your attention.

Racism? How do you handle it?events opera theater

I think your remark was witty and to the point. Often times, people do want to know your feelings though. It was a valid, albeit annoying question...but perhaps you really could have educated him on how you truly felt and how what he said to you may have hurt you.

It's one of the annoying aspects of being a minority. Good luck!
your comeback was stellar! i also have a lot of friends of varying backgrounds, but we're a little older than you and they wouldn't dare say that ignorant mess to my face. but you know what, even if they did, i wouldn't trip. there will always be people out there to call you a *N, as long as you know who you are and what you stand for, what they say should never hurt you. the only way it can hurt you is if there's a hint of truth to it.

don't let one idiots comments color (pun intended) your view of all whites, because just like we aren't all the same, they aren't all the same.
I don't hang with people who're racist I find it extreamlly roud and I fell unconfterable around them..
No,you were right.Whites encounter the same things,it just isn't PC to discuss them.
I'm Asian, and that immediately pegs me as Chinese, smart, and sexual.

How do I handle it? At least I know I'm going to succeed in life.
i think it is wrong so i tell them to please stop
I'm white, or as I like to say light beige, female and much older than you are, and I agree with you, people are people I'm so tired of everyone being mean to each other, whether it's race, religion, or sexual preference, even weight and height are picked on.

People who do this usually have low self esteem and/or are afraid of people that are "different" then them, they are just plain ignorant. I'm not saying whether or not you were wrong, I understand why you said what you said and unfortunately with people like that, it may be the only way to get your point across. I'm glad your not going to let one idiot change the way you think.

I love the fact that we are different and yet the same, how boring the world would be if we all looked alike. There was a little man named Hitler that wanted that, thank God he's gone, but unfortunately there is always someone to take his place.

Just keep being true to yourself, you are a good and decent person, I wish more people felt like you, maybe we would be able to live in peace and harmony.
Consider the source and file it in the round file. Ignorance is bliss for them, isn't it. Not everyone is like that.
That's life buddy. As you get older and your associates also it will fade away

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