Thursday, December 10, 2009

Caught a car thief red handed................?

Caught a punk attempting to rip off a car in a parking lot outside a movie theatre. He had a scredriver in the door lock and it was half out. Didn't call the cops, punk was about 15 years old and he got one of the biggest s h i t kickings of his life.

Wife felt I was a little hard on him.

There was no pity coming from me.

Right or wrong, do you support my actions?

Caught a car thief red handed................?home theater system

I support it. Too many times or rather more often than not the courts will let these punks off with a hand slap. I bet the slap session he got from you had more effect than any punishment in court.

Besides I am sooooooooooooo jealous, I am part of many who's car has been busted into or stolen. Wish I can catch one some day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caught a car thief red handed................?the grand theater opera theater

Need more like you, may be less crime.

Sometimes you gotta take the law into your own hands ya know?

What if he would'a made off with your car?
Wrong. He is just a boy. Besides, he could have been armed and drugged, so it is dangerous as well.
i hope you concussed his head
Wrong............But,I bet the car owner was happy and i bet the little s h it learnt a lesson he won't forget!
hit em again!
If things like this happened more often they would probably be less crime I have done the same with bullies kicking the chit out of someone smaller or tag teaming one guy its just something that I cannot help cause I was bullied alot as a child and know how it feels for no one to stand up for you when your not doing anything wrong go for it be proud and leave a shaving scar or two.
wrong... you're lucky that the robber dont have somebody with him as a lookout... you're risking your life and welfare of your family trying to be a hero... what if the lookout have a gun and have no choice but to shoot you?... tsk tsk.. the best you can do is call the cops... and monitor their movement from afar... take care
right on man you did the right thing but the scary part is if you were to hurt him badly he probably could sue you show you how screwed up this world is
Give one for me. Can I have 10 points?
i support your actions 100% if only there were more people like you around. hope the little bastard got an *** whoopin from his dad when he got home too

Give more incentive to not do it again than what the law would have done. Provided he wasn't permanently maimed or harmed in some way.
You were right in my book.
Well, the kid can sue you for assault and battery.
Although I think it was good of you to stop the crime from happening, I'm not sure that such a violent response was necessary.

People depend on the police so much that most don't get involved today. People forget that protection is one of the main reasons we started living in communities and towns that eventually grew into cities. You protected your neighbor because it was in your own best interest - and gave the perps a message so they won't come back.

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