Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do people still laugh?

at overweight people? Today I saw this couple they were both overweight and they were walking up to the movie theatre. Of course they were both walking slower and it took them some time to get to the entrance. I mustve saw several people slowly driving past them, looking back at them, and some of them were even pointing and laughing! These were adults!

I dont think its funny and Im not overweight. I mean, whats funny about it? weve all seen people like this before whats new?

Why do people still laugh?opera mini

Some people are just plain rude... sad but true.

Now if they crashed their car into something while laughing at the heavy people... now that would be funny..

Opps.. I am being rude

Why do people still laugh?passions soap opera opera theater

Hey, I used to be one of them...I used to be thin, young and SO sure I'd want someone to shoot me in the head rather than be I'm 50, had a kid, can't afford to join a gym and guess what......BINGO,,,,I'm fat.....I guess what goes around comes around
Pretty sad, but even worse it reminds me of how acceptably rude it has become for people to make fun of others with mental disabilities and retardation problems. You see and hear it on TV all the time lik eit's nothing. people calling others "retard", I can only imagine how someone who is retarded and hears this must feel.

I think as a society many people are losing their sympathy towards others with problems they cannot relate to.
I don't know. Some people don't know how to act right.
I think they're just immature or lacking in self-confidence, morals, etc. etc. I don't know, have you ever laughed at a 'retarded' person before?
The pointing %26amp; laughing is going to for.

I feel for all thoses with a weight problem and wish they were something that was more simple than the surgeries.
ok, so...

thing one: they must be VERY immature.

thing two: they must think that they are better than them.

honestly, i think that there is absolutely nothing "funny" about this. it's very sad to see adults act like five year olds who can't control themselves. (unless they can't control it, like a disease)

who cares if you're a bit heavier?
You're right, it isn't funny.

Wow, that is so ignorant and immature. Some people have to learn to grow up and mind their own business.

Unfortunately, the likelihood of people like that ever growing up is slim to none.

Some people will never learn.

And to some of the comments made above, I honestly cannot imagine anyone making fun of someone who is special needs and anyone who makes fun of someone who is special needs has very, very serious problems.

Honestly, the people who pick on the more vulnerable in society obviously have an inferiority complex of some sort.

Some people really need to learn to grow up.
Absolutely nothing is funny about it. I guess we have some very sick people in this world. That is extreme to drive past and do this. Shame on them. You never know why someone is overweight and these same people may experience it so day and let' see who is laughing then. I am a little overweight from pumping too much iron on the gym and I am a 59 year old woman. I always stayed in shape and was very active until about 5 years ago. I had 2 knee surgeries and the second one ruined my body along with all the heavy weights. I was given a spinal the second time and now I have nerve damage and can barely walk let alone do anything like volleyball,canoeing, tennis, power walking, exercising, boxing.....etc. I love sports and it has been devastating for me to lose them. My knee moves all around and swells too. I fish and even that's hard on my back and legs. We never know what's coming down the road for any of they shouldn't pass judgment . I would just have to say something to these people like.....You are ignorant. It is just the way I am. This couple may well have very good reasons for being overweight. People shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. What is inside is more important. How sad this world is. Thanks for sticking up for them here. God Bless.
were they really pointing too? omg. yeah its not funny.

but unless the heavy couple were stuffing hotdogs and popcorn into their mouths greedily at the same time
thats wrong. now one thing are the yo momma jokes but that is just plain wrong there.
There will always be immature idiots, unfortunately.

While I have always had a weight problem, I am not "as" obese as some people are. Having watched those TV programs about the people in these obesity clinics, I have much more sympathy for their plights. It is not an easy thing!

Have a polite day!
I don't laugh at them - I curl my upper lip %26amp; sneer at them!

Just shake my head %26amp; sneer......or try to show my best look of contempt at such a sight.

I don't think it's funny - it doesn't make me laugh. I may ridicule them but not laugh at them.
Are you sure they weren't actually looking and pointing at you?
It's not funny, but it's quite a rare sight.
its not funny at all .... i have many obese people in my family i understand them and i would never laugh at an obese person's immature and i hope all those skinny people get laughed at to their faces!!! ..... yay bmore!! im from baltimore too! but im in hawaii 4 school ...never thought i miss good ol baltimore but i do .... n e way thats all !
Fear that some day that might be them?

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