Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Cult of Scientology?

How do they get these nutjobs to join? This is not a religon, it is a proven brainwashing cult! Xenu (the evil guy who was in charge of the 75 planets in our solar system) noticed that the planets were overpopulated so he froze all the planets inhabitants, dropped them in volcanoes, sucked up their souls with huge vacuum type machines, put them in a galactic movie theatre and showed them fake videos of Jesus, ghandi, buggha, etc... In order to diversify the people?:?? then these "spirits" or "thetans" as they call them attatch themselves to our body and thats why we are depressed, miserable and sad?? Jesus was proven to have walked this earth, he is the son ofGod, scientologists say he was made up, yet those cultists have the nerve to put a crucifix on top of their "church"? Its Fact, L.Ron was a science fiction author, and a bad one at that, he lived on his boat with only young boys and he was busted by the feds several times, he is not a prophet and this is merely a cult, thank you

The Cult of Scientology?

Scientology being a dangerous cult, uses a variety of sophisticated recruitment techniques backed up with social and mind control methods. Many good, intelligent, capable people have joined scientology, you do not have to be vunerable, although it makes it easier for them! They do indeed try to target young people who are looking for something more in the lifes, or have many issues they need to resolve.

Here is a good article about why people join:

Here is another article on the techniques:

Reading other people's personal stories can help you understand why people join:

Hubbard wasn't only a sci-fi writer but he was also a satanist in Crowley's group helping out with sex magick, he kidnapped his daughter, he constantly lied about his life, and died while taking pyschiatric drugs...

This is where the cross came from, from Aleister Crowley's OTO satanist group, its a crossed-out cross:

Main critical sites:

The Cult of Scientology?amc theatre opera theater

usually people post questions on this board. if you want to preach, wait for the question or form your own religion. it worked for l.ron.

besides, then you get the nice tax breaks.


Preach it brother! Here is an interesting clip that protrays Christian Science pretty accurately:

This is completely funny!
No religion (cult) is the correct one, and all religions (cults) have got it wrong.

There are many major religions in the world, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and so on. Within each major religion there can also be many minor religions. For example, within Christianity there is Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and so on. Within Islam there is Shiite, Sunni etc.

In summary there are many hundreds of different religions in the world all with their devoted believers and followers. Talk to any devout religious person and they will almost emphatically insist that their religion is the right one, it鈥檚 fact, and any non-believer is doomed.

Commonsense and logic would suggest that if there was any truthful or factual basis to religion, then only one of these religions could be correct, not all of them. However, in my view, it鈥檚 highly unlikely that any of these man-made religions bear any resemblance to fact or the truth, and are more likely to be the result of simplistic human intelligence looking for an escape from reality.
I simply can't disagree. Those people freak me out. I have my problems with Christians, but sociologist take the cake.
All religions are wrong. Except the one that is right.
I live in LA and I watch cults pick up people all the time.

They purposely choose the lost, sad, poor, homeless, or even just someone who looks like they aren't strong. That they wouldn't stand up for themselves. They prey on the weak and the needy. Because these people want people to talk to or a place to call home.

Believe me, if your a homeless teenager and Scientology offers you a warm bed and 3 meals a day, your gonna take it.

Then its just brainwash, brainwash, brainwash until they're a perfect Scientologist.

Also, my sister personally knows one famous Scientologist who wants to get out of it, but can't. The cult will follow her and watch her wherever she goes. She got to the point where she was scared for her life and finally stopped fighting Scientology and went back to it. Because she couldn't take the somewhat life-threatening harrassment.
And, I suppose, it was the anti Scientology conspiracy that had Pluto demoted because astronomers have been saying that we have been on the verge of discovering many more planets beyond the orbit of Pluto.

So, by changing the definition of the word "planet." we are in less danger of Scientology being proved right.

I can't wait to see this rumor circulate around and come back to me. Remember. I created this rumor first!
Perhaps they are high school drop outs like Tom Cruise and have not developed reasoning skills and that is why they join? Is it lack of education? That could be part of it. Lack of world experience? It is sad. Some people are just lost puppies. When are they going to get a cult section on here so we can put these questions in there?

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