Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is your pet peeve, or something that really bugs you?

I hate it when people do loud things in the movie theatre (laugh obnoxiously loud, crinkle the wrappers to their food, munch their popcorn, or talk loud) UGH JUST SHUT UP! lol whats your pet peeve?

What is your pet peeve, or something that really bugs you?classical music

people who talk with there mouth ful of food

or who crack gum

What is your pet peeve, or something that really bugs you?ms stress opera theater

when people sniff all the time. if you have a cold, whatever, but don't just SNIFF randomly!
people who walk slow esp. in highschool hallways..gahhh!
stickers on fruit and veggies...gum in a parking lot...stepping in it really irks me...ordering from a fast food drive thru and finding half your order is not there...talking to someone and someone else comes up and just butts in

People that lie just to lie. When the truth wouldn't hurt anyone
. People who pronounce Ask like Axe, Draw like Drall, Picture like Pitcher, and Crayon like Crown

2. When people say "Your Mom"

3. P30P1_3 \/\/40 \/\/40 \/\/R1T3 1_1K3 T41S (People who write like this%26lt;---)

4. People who brag about their race, religion, etc. if it's not common (like some gays say "im a proud gay", not many strait people brag about them being strait, and i know a mormon who when they first introduced themselves told me about them being mormons, or people having their myspace names like "Mexican Chick" or "Proud Italian", etc.,)

5. When the waiters/waitresses at restaurant take forever to bring the check

6. When they overplay a song on the radio

7. When a commercail features a catchy song and the commercial is played too much and the music begins to get REALLY annoying

8. People who exaggerate Global Warming. Sure, it's a problem, but come on, NYC wont be underwater next year, were not gonna choke on smoke, or whatever everyone is saying.

9. People who chain smoke and blow smoke directly in your face (ever heard of secondhand smoke?)

10. When people complain about how annoying the shows there 1 year old watches. Well, smart one, im sure your infant didnt pick up the remote themselves, YOU showed them those "annoying" shows, thats being hypocritical

there are alot more and those are just my opinions, that doesnt mean im hateful

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