Saturday, December 5, 2009

Having s.e.x.??

i am 16 and my bf and i have been dating 2 yrs and 2 months.. i am really in love with him and i am ready to have s.e.x. with him.. i trust him with my life and most people my age haven't been with a guy longer than a month... the problem is we don't have a place to have s.e.x. ..... we don't get our drivers license for a couple more months... and we can't do it at our houses... the movie theatre seems trashy... i really don't know any place else....any good places you guys know of?? (trust me we love eachother and we know how to use a condom)

Having s.e.x.??theater seating

If you truly love each other, you should wait. Sex isn't something you do just because you love each other. Sex is sharing something very delicate and personal with the other person. You're 16. The odds of the two of you staying together the rest of your lives are totally against you. (I went to school with a couple that was together all the way through junior high and high school. We all thought they would get married. Six months after graduation, they broke up.) If you don't wait and you share that part of yourself with him, if it doesn't last, he's walking away with a part of you and you him. Then, when you get someone else, you're sharing not just yourself but part of your current boyfriend with the new partner. When your boyfriend finds someone else, he'll be sharing part of you with her.

Is that what you really want?

Believe me, waiting is the best thing you could do. My husband and I were both virgins on our wedding night, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Having s.e.x.??lyric opera opera theater

thats really tough. see if a friend can lend you there house or save money and rent a motel room.
Pool in some cash and get a hotel room? Nothing cold beat that, thats ****** classy as hell
try waiting. if you cant find a good place maybe its because you are not supposed to yet. and condoms fail and break.
Its not a matter of knowing how to use a condom.

If you wait untill you get married it will mean alot more to you and create a much much stronger bond between the two of you.

I am 24 and am still waiting, as is my fiance. :_) only just over a month to go, caint wait.
do it someplace that has a locking bathroom,

or maybe take a risk and find time when every one is gone at either of urs house and do it on the couch.

or late at night he should ocme by ur house, and then run away to an empty park and do it some place quiet and sit there looking at the stars.
how about a park? a SECLUDED palce in a park. so no 3 yr old sees you "wrestling without clothes on and vannilla ice cream on your face" as their concerned parent would put it. and at night when nobody is there. Or you could just rent a hotel and have toilet sex. or wall or couch.
at the beach at night time....
i think u are still young.. and probably can wait.. i know asking u to wait for marriage is a long shot.. atleast turn of legal age {}
16 ? is this the time most youngsters are considering now days? Mabe you shuold get a job, rent your own house. Then you pick.
on a roof or attic even a tree house.
Don't do it. Save yourself for marriage. No boy is worth it who isn't supporting you.
No, you're too young... don't do it... Just wait for 2more yrs..
You should never mention your age online or anywhere in such questions ... you should be aware that it is illegal below the age of 18 .... my point is that if you cannot understand such simple things ... do you think it is the right age for you to take such big decisions of life i.e., first time sex ... think again...
That's rough. The only thing I can think of is a hotel or motel but a lot of places want you to be 18 before you can get a room without your parents.

Or you could set up a tent in your backyard at night and do it there. My boyfriend and I have been wanting to do that sometime.

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