Thursday, December 10, 2009

What are the most annoying things you've witnessed complete strangers do?

Our society is filled with bad manners, both intentional and accidental. What things that complete strangers do annoy you the most? (i.e. "talk on cell phone in movie theatre" = good, "leave cap off toothpaste" = bad, unless, of course, complete strangers have tendencies to enter your dwelling, go to your bathroom, and brush their teeth. Hey, stranger things have happened.)

What are the most annoying things you've witnessed complete strangers do?movie theatre

a woman at the health department.. tell her daughter who was about 2 if even that.. she kept telling her daughter to shut up and sit still.. this little girl had to go to the bathroom but mom kept talking on her cell.. little girl then pee'd her pants and mom spanked her even thou the little girl begged to go to the bathroom.. the health dept called the police on her

What are the most annoying things you've witnessed complete strangers do?playhouse opera theater

young women swearing on their cell phones in public
I saw two people consumed by lust and they were all over one another, not caring what others thought.

Decorum, please?
Leave the bathroom without washing their hands.

Sneeze or cough and then touch public use things (doors, handles, etc.).

Violate your or others' personal space while waiting in line or shopping.
something that has been around for a long time: cutting in line. I can't believe that people don't get that the line is for a reason....go to the end of it, please.
flash their bare breast to complete strangers,grope one another in public places,but most folks think that this is exceptional behavior and should be encouraged.
Talk loud on the cell phones, spit, sneeze without covering their face, not washing their hands anytime ( before during or after ) being in the restroom ), women who don't say thank you when you extend them a courtesy, or, if a guy, they won't even think of holding the door open for you if they guy is carrying stuff like a baby, files or their arms or full.
hi,,,, people picking their noses in public..... and yuck disposing of the results on the walls.....

good luck
Leaving the toilet seat soiled, not flushing %26amp; not washing their hands before they leave the bathroom.

Picking their nose and than putting it in their mouth, yuck!!!

Spitting up phelgan.

Screaming %26amp; cussing
Picking nose while they eat.
definitely talking on cell phones in public, i was on a crowded bus next to some dumb b**** blabbing about inane crap. it would be cool to have one of those cell phone jammers to shut them up. when i'm on the phone i dont want to be within earshot of anyone for my own sake so i can have a private conversation.
It had to be the time I took my wife out for some fun and dancing.

While dancing... a man made sure he had a good view of my wife, so I danced her to the other side of the floor, within a minute he was over even closer to watch her dance with me.

I would have said or done something... but it was a cop hangout, and he and his buddies looked like off duty cops. And I was out to show her a good time. She never noticed him. But he sure did want to be dancing with her.
Coughing up then spitting phlegm onto the sidewalk.

Truck driver here..,saw another fat driver that had a tshirt on 4 sizes too small for him..,this is really nasty hope you have a strong stomach..,anyway he was sitting on a stool playing video games at a truckstop and it seems he didnt know how to wipe his backside and it was smeared up his crack..,people were walking out of the restaurant and had to look at that.So I went over and told him if he couldnt wipe his butt better than that i would be happy to buy him a long handled brush so he could reach it to clean it..,told him he was a disgusting pig and to shower and wear depends if he couldnt take better care of himself.No excuse for drivers to look and smell like pigs out here when we have free showers.Hope I didnt gross you out too bad..,or anyone else.i have no tolerance for it and I do say something to drivers about it.
there is a guy in my apartment complex, i think he might be mentally retarded or somthing, ive never said or done anything to him and whenever i go outside when hes out there he follows me around flapping his arms and squaking like a bird, one day he did this for a half hour next to me while i was cleaning out my car, when i ask him wtf he just ignores me and keeps on going
People picking their nose and then touching the bars on the subway.

This happened on the subway once: This guy was eating chinese food and as he was eating the chicken wings, he kept throwing the bones accross the the floor. The bones, that still had the bits of meat on them, kept landing everywhere, a s s hole!
When people allow their BRATS (there's a difference between children, and brats) to throw temper tantrums in public. And when I say "temper tantrum", I don't mean just sniffles or crying, I mean SCREAMING at the top of their lungs, while they're rolling around on the ground.

When I was a kid, my mom always told me that if I misbehaved in public, I got punished in public. ONE TIME I tested her. I never did it again.

Why can't parents take control of their children?

Seeing an answer below me reminds me of one that always gets me: When people are rude to fast-food employees. I worked at McDonald's for two and a half years. I was WELL-KNOWN as being one of the nicest people there. My co-workers loved me (my managers cried when I quit), and my customers gave me cards and their best wishes. And yet, I witnessed some of the RUDEST people.

Here's a tip for everyone: When you go through the drive-thru at any fast food place, know what you want. If you're ordering for more than four people, don't go through the drive-thru. Have your payment method ready, ESPECIALLY if there's a line. If a fast food employee tells you that they have to charge additionally for something, it's store policy. They're not trying to rip you off. If you ask for a milkshake, and they say they don't have any, don't assume it's because they're too lazy to make you one.

Most importantly, PLEASE remember to say "please" and "thank you." Try to remove "gimme" from your vocabulary. And do NOT assume that just because a person is employed by a fast food restaurant that they're an imbecile. They might be smarter than you, and they probably work harder than you.
I work as a a grocery checker and I've seen it all.

The most annoying are people on cell phones. I've seen fat people with clothes way too small. I've seen a girl the other day put her hand up her shirt to adjust her bra or scratch or something. I've hate it when parents bring their kids to the store and don't control them.

The clincher was the other night a drunk came in just before closing, face swollen and all beat up and asked me to buy him a pack of cigarettes. I told him no and showed him the door.
Just last night, I am in a waterpark, I saw a thin guy and his plump girlfriend pressing him on one of the corners of the whirlpool, kissing him. Hello! there are lots of kids around!!!

And another thing, Iam doing part time lifeguard in one of the waterparks around here, and I saw two kids hitting each other in the pool, I have to break them up, and kick them out of the place if they dont stop, and yet their parents just stand there DOING NOTHING!! Useless parents.

AND people sneezing or coughing and not covering their mouths.
Men urinating in public, groping their crotch, spitting, holding a bottle for chewing tobacco spit, cursing at women and children, wearing pants that have a hole in the crotch/rear, littering, rude to cashiers, asking cashiers if they can have some of the money or if they have to pay, and finally, do not know what NO SOLICITING signs mean.

Women slapping their children around and telling them to shut up, g-string undies hang out when bending over, showing breasts to passersby on the interstate, cursing like sailors-especially around children, rude to customers at stores, letting children eat food without paying for it and allowing children to throw a temper tantrum and then giving in.

My biggest pet peeve is people talking on cell phones and not paying attention to driving.

This is true, our family was fishing at a redneck fishing hole and they didn't like it, so they put crap all over the door handles of our vehicle. It was dark when it happened too. The children were primary school age and very upset.

Feels so good to get all that out.....and can you tell Missouri is right smack in the heart of redneck country?
Great Question..Ya know, you are So Right--we have become a Society of The Wild. I can not BELIEVE the stupid, crazy things people do in public these days!

Here is my short list, and thank you for letting me vent.

1.PEOPLE--STOP SPITTING IN PUBLIC!...Are you insane!!?

Do you think that when I'm enjoying a lovely summer day , that I want to see you throw your bodily fluids onto the ground in front of me like The Exorcist?!!! GROSS--STOP IT! Were you raised by Wolves?

2. OK, DRIVERS: WHY DO YOU THINK THAT THE WORLD CAN NOT SEE YOU PICKING YOUR NOSE?.... Um, unless you have a BatMobile, EVERYONE can see you--and its GROSS. Stop it! If you wash your nose %26amp; nostrils in the shower, you wont have to pick your nose during the day..And if you Do have something in your nose--WAIT UNTIL YOU CAN GO TO A BATHROOM AND GET TISSUE--OK!.

3. PARENTS: I truly do love your adorable children, BUT CAN YOU PLEASE LEAVE YOUR INFANT WITH GRANDMA WHEN YOU GO TO A RESTAURANT..You know that a newborn baby is irritable--so WHY do you torture the babies with lights, noises, and loud sounds at a Restaurant?! THEN WE ALL HAVE TO SUFFER WHEN YOUR BABY SCREAMS LIKE A BANSHEE..Leave the poor babies home, puh-leeze.

4. POST OFFICE PEOPLE: I know and understand that you have 15 boxes and 20 large sized envelopes that need to be individually weighed and stamped by the Postal Clerk.. But Can you Please use the New "Do It Yourself" Machines located in the front of the Lobby?.... I mean, can't you see that the Line is all the way out the door because YOU HAVE 100 PEICES OF MAIL THAT TAKES 20 MINUTES TO BE WEIGHED!

5. PARENTS WHO LIVE IN APARTMENT COMPLEXES: Listen, you know full well that your elementray age kids are BAD as HE@%. So why do you torture us Child-Free People by letting your kids run around the apartment complex after school like it's an Amusement Park?! STOP letting your kids destroy Nice and Brand New apartment complexes! Do you know that your kids are scratching up car windows with their toys, leaving candy wrappers and juice bottles all over the parking lots?? I have an idea--why dont all the Parents of Bad kids get together and live in your OWN apartment complex all together. OR, Teach you kids Manners-OK!

We can All Get Along if we just do a few small, courteous things to respect others and ourselves.

Thank you and Peace
I dont know where to start...

I'll start with public transportation. I live in Montreal where many people (students, workers, elderly) use the subway/bus system, and I'm one of them. Here, off the top of my head, is what bugs me:

1- People who block the entrance and exit of the bus when there's alot of space for them to move around.

2- Parents who have their children in these HUGE strollers, who block all the pathway. Why do parents take these with them when taking public transport???? My mother use to have a big stroller too and she NEVER used it on the buses. She would take my brother in the small stroller that took up almost no space. These people are so rude, and most of them get angry when an elderly person walks into the bus, has no room, and holds onto their carriage for 2 minutes to get around!

3- People, usually students, who have their school bags on their backs whilke standing! It;s gotten to the point where there's signs about it, telling people tot ake off their bags and hold them. You think that did anything? And the worst part is, when it's a crowded bus they just move around even more, so you can get smacked by their bags!

4- When someone stand in front of the exit and doesnt get out on the next stop!!!!!!!!! You say an "excuse me" and that doesnt do anything either!

5- People who would kill for a seat! The minute someone under the age of 50 is sitting down, they get evil dirty looks. If you have a cane or something like that, then I'd be glad to give up my seat for you, but I'm paying to use this transportation too. I deserve to sit down. Some people think that just because they're holding a bag of groceries or two it earns them a seat....sorry, it doesnt. Then they come and rub themselves on you, which I admit is a good way to get me to give up my seat!

6- Fat people who sit in the in between 2 people. There's some seats that fit 3 passengers, and the fattest person on the bus always chooses to sit in between 2 people. If you dont fit, dont sit! When I see that I'm going to inconvenience the person next to me by sitting doen, I simply dont sit.


1- CONTROL YOUR KIDS! Why is it that there's always someone spaniking or yelling at their kids??? This never happened to me! I was well behaved because I was taught to be that way. My brother was a little more mischievious, and when he would start his tantrums, we would exit the store and try to deal with it. I find it so rude and wrong to hit your kid or yell at them in front of other people.

2- DESTROYING FOOD PRODUCTS! This has happened to many of my friends, as well as myself. So you're shopping around, putting stuff in your cart, you pay for it, then go home only to realize someone had already opened your fajita kit, or someone had drunk from your juice bottle. I mean c'mon! That's pure inconsideration!

3- Cutting in line...I dont have to elaborate on this one.

4- People who are waiting in a line up, get to the cash, and all of a sudden start counting change and taking out millions of coupons, and arguing with the cahsier about the prices! I can't take this!!!!!! People need to learn to read labels!!! This happens way to often. Makes me want to scream and start hitting people.


1- People on cell phones while driving. Wake up and stop causing accidents!

Enough for now LOL
Wow. I agree with everyone and I hope they all feel better now that they've vented. Good question.
couples all but having sex in public.... GET A ROOM
One of my pet peeves is when I go into the gas station to pay, and have to wait ten minutes behind someone who is playing the lottery and buying scratch-offs till they win! You would think the cashier would say something and tell them they have to let the waiting line of people trying to pay for their gas have a turn before they scratch -off and buy another ticket!!!
Blowing nose at the table.

Using cloth dinner napkins to blow nose at the table.

Changing diapers anywhere within sight of others-except a restroom.


Walk around proudly displaying hickeys. It doesn't mean you are sexy people!

Cussing in front of elders and children.
Yes...I had a woman come into my home and ask to use my bathroom, she was in there for fifteen minutes, and after she left my home, I went in to see if anything was missing, and there was water all over my toilet seat and floor...I do not know what she was doing in there, but I spent a half hour cleaning and disinfecting.

I have had people barge through my door, thinking my home was an office, (long story) but oh so rude, and not even an apology.

The worst is watching someone blow their nose, pick their nose, and/or eat it, or still have a boogy hanging, I always let them know when that happens, that is so embarrassing.
Wow, what a tremendous public service you have done here. I sense that many people feel better about the chance to rant. I know I do. Thanks for the mini-therapy session.

I have to agree with all of the above but have a couple of items to add that I did not see listed:

1) People who throw burning cigarettes out of cars, particularly in places where people may walk barefoot, like playgrounds. Happened to me as a child, right in the middle of my instep. Not to mention the fire hazard in drought conditions. Fortunately, current society is less tolerant of such behavior nowadays.

2) Boomboxes in vehicles. Screams: I am awash in testosterone and cannot get laid, please notice me!
preachers preach

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