Saturday, December 5, 2009

Funny makeout stories?

ok so my gf and I were at the mall the other day and we were by the entrance to a movie theatre in a dark corner, pretty much alone, we started making out and a minute or so later the guy who takes tickets was like guys can you please keep it rated g, but anyways, im curious what other stories like this people have

Funny makeout stories?soap opera

GF had a habit (nice one) of when we were out, she was wearing a dress or skirt, and she'd want to tease, she'd go to the bathroom and remove her panties. She'd ball them up in her hand, and when she got back to where we were sitting, discretely hand them to me and ask me to keep them in my pocket.

One time between the ladies room, and our table, she bumped into a waitress who dropped the tray of food and she dropped a red pair of panties which was laying in the pile of food and dishes. She turned as red as the panties and left for the car.

Funny makeout stories?city opera opera theater

the guy im dating. we were making out %26amp; he stuck his tounge in my mouth %26amp; i accidently kinda bit it =x HAHAHAHA he didnt think it was funny ;] but i kissed him to make it feel better :]
my ex and i were at this pizza place outside around this corner and we started to make out with eachother then this other couple walked past us and was like i didnt know they had a dinner and show
We're in her Drieveway. I have her Bra off? And her Mother, taps on the window. Busted!!
It's not reall that funny but 1 time my boyfriend (my now husband) were messin' around and then went to a married friends house and I was sitting on the couch and realized my shirt was on inside out. I kinda made a lil dash for the bathroom and changed. But of course when I whispered it to him when I came back he busted out laughing and had to tell every1 in the room.
well it was the 1st time that me and my boyfriend of about 2 years kissed.i was at his house and my friend had warned me to not make the first move that i should wait for we were near his computer and he kept messing up his hair and i kept tring to fix it.then he turned his head slightly so i followed and the next thing i knew he was kissing me :) but then he grab a stupid paper that had all this info on diving on it and started talking about it(he was scared) and so i grabed him and started kissing him.
this one time me and my ex were at chuch and i got up to go get a drink. i took long the usual, so she came out to see what i was doing. i was in the hallway looking at a few pic. she walked up and we were talking about a few things and i said something romatic and she kissed me. well it was thouse one kisses that was suppose to just be a quick one but i couldnt stop kissing her. it lasted about a minit, when we pulled away. i looked over and everyone in the chaple could see us. talk about imberassing. we quickly ran out and went home.
i was holding a can of mountain dew, and we were really into it, and it poured on his head on accident! it dribbled down his face and on to mine and to our lips

enticing to read about, embarassing to think about, sticky and gross to have it happen

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