Thursday, December 10, 2009

First job with no references?

I'm a 16 year old and have decided it's high time I get a job. However, I have absolutley no references. I was homeschooled this past year, so I don't even have teachers I can ask. What kind of jobs can I get in Texas without a reference? What should I write in a job application where it asks for references? I've been thinking of working at a movie theatre, maybe at the concession stand. Is this a good bet, since I don't have anyone to refer me? I can't drive yet, but am hoping to take drivers ed this summer, and my mom is willing to drive me to work until I can. Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really nervous. Also, I've never done vounteer work (I know, I know, shame on me), so I can't use that as a reference either. :( Thanks everyone!

First job with no references?headache

At 16 you can get a job at a grocery store, fast food places and there is always babysitting - parents usually try to find someone to watch their kids during the summer while school is out. For references, give the names of your pastor or youth group leader at church or the names of some of your parents friends that know you.

(for driver's ed, I did Driver Ed In A Box and it was great - it's approved in the state of Texas!)

First job with no references?paramount theater opera theater

You can use nieghbors, teachers and conselors as references.
Have you ever done baby-sitting? You can use the family as a reference. Your friends or their parents perhaps.

Also, for your first job, it isn't as expected to have many references. Explaining things the way you have here is fine.
Since your young and it's your first job they will understand that you don't have references. You could always ask your neighbors, if you get along with them, to be a reference if they need one. But I wouldn't be supprised if you don't need any at all for a job at the movies.
Well don't feel bad. I'm in the same situation, only my problem is I just moved and I don't know any one in this area. Your best bet is to ask your preacher or youth group consular to refer you. If not think of some one you have baby sit ted for

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