Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have a dilemma this weekend. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?

I have a potential conflict this weekend. I have been seeing this girl for a few weeks now and we usually date every weekend. The sex is great and I love the way she performs in bed. However, there is also this guy who called me last night. He suggested that we go camping this weekend. I know that if we go, we're going to do it. I have never had sex with another guy before, but it is definitely something I would like to try before I get married. The feelings between me and him are intense. We had phone sex before and also made out in a movie theatre. I also banged his younger sister (I met him through her).

What should I do?

A. Have another great, sex-filled weekend with my new girlfriend

B. Tell my g/f I have plans for the weekend and go out with her on Thursday night instead

C. Try to arrange a threesome

D. Something else

I have a dilemma this weekend. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?star theater

Have a great, sex-filled WEEK with your new girlfriend, then go camping with the guy. I don't think you want to arrange a threesome just yet, at least not until you've tested the waters. Take pictures, now ;)

I have a dilemma this weekend. If you were in my shoes, what would you do?extension opera theater

D. Stop playing them all. Someone is gonna get hurt bad.
all the above..

and if u have a longer list.. i sugesst u do all
i would go for b if i were you.

sounds like you still have some wild oats to sow

before settling down to this one girl.

definitely the camping.

you can see about the threesome later.
C... C for the LOVE of GOD pick C lol
c and then b.

Good luck
E. Get some counseling! You are messed up in the head!
figure out what the hell you want her or him, it wouldnt be fair to screw around on both of them
Oh please.... why don't you ask your girlfriend for permission to be bi? Otherwise, don't consider yourself to have a girlfriend.
Shoot yourself in the head or try to sort out your sexuallity
definately A! DUH!
either A or D because having sex with another guy would be messed up and weird

and i agree with the guy who said to go to counseling
E. You're a douche.
C. Try to arrange a threesome.

always try to arrange a threesome, if you can pull if off, its well worth any risk or work to arrange it but then again, sounds like you arent serious, that would be WHAAACK
You're on your own here...
most likely you'll end up with aids and give it to others
B: Have a great, sex-filled weekend with your friend, after having a fun, sex-filled Thursday night with the GF.

What the heck! Just remember to bring the raincoats %26amp; lube!
YOu are livin the life of a depraved abussed in child hood porno star dude......gays are grosse but your livin it.....kool but still u r a damn homo......Try an orgy instead, at least u have pussy around

Stick with the gay phone sex and leave it there, go bang his sister and your gf in a 3 some
are you serious?? you can't be serious. If you are ,, you are a MAJOR dog.
her? Ur a man whore! U don't bang a woman asshole! U need to grow up and respect us. Wow, ur girl's a whore too. B is so wrong! Unless u do not lie and tell her.

are you serious?? you can't be serious. If you are ,, you are a MAJOR dog.

Um yeah I hate this q. R u sure it's good sex? good sex only LASTS a very very short time(3 months max), and how? Most good sex is during marriage!

Let your girlfriend know you are sleeping with other people so she can get herself tested for an STD. That's what you should do! God only knows if you are having safe sex with all these people???!!!

And I agree, a gay guy? Hell no!

Life is NOT short.U want std's and taking 10 pills ruining ur live living and dying way young? HELL no. U are old enough I hope, u should be RESPONSIBLE. I don't respect any1 who isn't or thinks it's okay, think they can **** whoever, and **** 10 trillion people cuz life is short. Hell yes, u gonna be dying much younger then us.
Life is too short, you are so young! Do everybody! Have all the fun you can, tomorrow comes to quickly! Please use a condom, and be as honest as you can with everyone.
Stick with the chic.

I wouldn't want you if you banged another guy, and she probably wouldn't want you either. And let me guess, you probably wouldn't tell her would you? Why even be with her if you're wanting another man?

A threesome should always be two women and one man.

Give up on the girl. Honestly, I am going to put myself in HER shoes and not yours. If I found out that the guy I was seeing was gay, or had gay tendencies, I would not go any further with him.
well i guess being that you arent married and have only been seeing the girl for a few weeks , you should do whatever you want to do more , I mean maybe since you already know that you enjoy being with the girl maybe you should just keep it with her, but i dont know how bad you been wanting to be with a man
Let your girlfriend know you are sleeping with other people so she can get herself tested for an STD. That's what you should do! God only knows if you are having safe sex with all these people???!!!
tell her that you have plans and you will go out on thursday. If you want to try this it seems like this would be the perfect chance!!
Tell your gf that you're gay and don't put her at risk. Tell your bf that you already had sex with his sister and if he still wants you after that, you deserve each other. Get tested for HIV. This down low crap must stop.
Sounds like you may be bi-sexual which is fine. How ever if the relationship is new just have fun. Go out with her on another night. Then go with your friend. You need to find out how you feel about the guy before you commit to anything with your girlfriend. Sounds to me like you have a lot of hot sex and if things are not that serious just have fun and have great sex. Do it for me and all the others out there that aren't getting great sex. However be honest about your sexuality if things do get serious with either one. And by all means use protection.

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