Saturday, December 5, 2009

Advice on meeting women...?

I'm 34 and I've been divorced for almost 7 years. Since then I've had one very short relationship and I haven't even been on a date in over 3 years.

About 18 months ago I moved to a new town for work. I didn't know anyone here to start with. Unfortunately it's a smallish community and there is very little in the way of a public social scene and virtually no night life. Plus everyone knows everyone and it's hard for an outsider to make friends (I've heard this from others too). I know there are (presumably) single women my age because I see them at work, but I never see the outside of work.

I manage a movie theatre and all my employees are teenagers so it's not really a possibility to meet people through them - although I'm nearly the same age as some of their parents. I also don't think it's right to hit on customers.

I'm not really comfortable just approaching strangers. What can I do to develop some dating prospects?

Advice on meeting women...?chinese theater

Well, it's not right to hit on customers, but if you're friendly and outgoing (but not hitting on them!), you will find that women find you attractive and may approach you. If a woman patronizes the theatre repeatedly and keeps giving you signals each time she visits (and is not with another man when she does!), really, I think it'd be just fine to see whether she'd be interested in going for coffee one day (although if you were clever enough, you might be able to get HER to ask YOU). I mean, it's the movies, right? It's not like you're a doctor or anything!

I think you're in a better position than you think you are. You get to see who's coming and going and with whom, and you presumably have something in common with frequent female patrons - you both love the movies!

Advice on meeting women...?opera mini opera theater

Well you only have two choices. One is to make friends and try to mix and mingle with their single friends. The second choice is to get comfortable in your own skin and start approaching women. You don't have to just go to the club to meet women. Try the grocery store, the hardware store, etc. - common places. And the more you approach women, the more comfortable you'll become. Finally, be yourself and maintain a positive energy to attract people.
Just get out there, doesn't matter where you go; grocery store, coffee shop, church whatever. Smile and say Hi to as many people as possible. The more people you meet the more opportunities you will have to meet that special lady.

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