Thursday, December 10, 2009

What are some of the slightly odd things you love about being in a relationship?

I love having someone that will stand outside in the cold with me...

I love having someone that opens all doors for me.

I love having someone that will drive when i really don't feel like it.

I love having someone to talk to about whatever whenever.

I love having someone to eat popcorn with at the movie theatre.

I love bumping into him and not having to say sorry.

I love the understated things...

What are some of the slightly odd things you love about being in a relationship?sheet music

In the wintertime, when my partner blows my nose for me, so I can keep my hands warm in my pockets.

When shampoo for blonds is the sole shampoo in my brunette partner's shower--and I didn't buy it.

Having someone to browse through Victoria's Secret catalogs with...and not necessarily looking at what's for sale.

I second you...the understated is everything. That's why I have a no flowers, balloons or chocolate rule.

What are some of the slightly odd things you love about being in a relationship?state theatre opera theater

i know that he will always be there when i need him even A.S.A.P.
I love your avatar
1. I love that I don't have to carry my own groceries in the house. I know this sounds weird, but when I was single..I loved everything about it, except carrying my groceries into my apartment all by myself. That part always made me sad. It just made me lonely for some reason.
i love being able to go out with other couples and not feel like a fifth wheel, like when i was single and all my friends were married
I love when I must go somewhere, and when I have company.I hate going alone anywhere. I love that I don't have to take a bath alone.

The only thing I love to do by myself is watching movies. I like peace and quietness then. Don't want somebody to talk all the time and ask me stupid questions.
i love the big real things that matter daily,weekly,for the whole thing
I love not having to cook for someone.

I love not having someone ask me where I'm going.

I love not having someone tell me how to live my life.

I love not having to ask when I want to buy something.

I love being a slob when I want and clean when I want to be.

I love calling the shots...because see, I have a coat and two arms and I enjoy driving.....
Hmm, well none of those are really odd so I will answer along the same lines. I love having her at my place or being at her place all alone and locking the door. The feeling that no one in the whole world can come in and interrupt your duet is one of the greatest things in the world. For however long, we are the only two people alive, and I wouldn't have it any other way. A close second would be rainy-time snuggles. ;-)
I love being able to just be myself even when I get overly goofy.

I love waking up in the middle of the night and feeling him there.

I love getting a big hug when I'm in a bad mood.

I love sharing our guilty pleasures.

I love the fact that he can cheer me up even in the crapiest day.

I love it when he prepares breakfast on weekends.

I love being able to call him when I am crying.

I love picking him up from work and seeing a huge smile when he sees me.

I love to stay up all night watching series or movies while cuddling up.

I love being able to joke about everything without needing to be pc.

I love the "divide and conquer" we do when we share chores.

I love it when he gives me his jacket because it started raining and he doesn't want me to get wet.

I love it when I am sick and he takes care of everything arround home.

I love every little thing even the things that annoy me simply because I love him.
sex, trust, a companion, feeling secure
Mostly, someone to keep my feet warm at night!

and footrubs

and just knowing that I'm not alone

theres alot to be said for history and memories

old ones are better, but making new ones is great too!

Someone to make plans with, discuss the future,

be comfortable being quiet with

and outta control goofy with

and knowing that Something about tomorrow is sure!
I love how he always wipes down the mouth part of soda cans and opens them for me.

I love how he always opens the door and lowers his car to let me in and out.

I love that he will stop me in the middle of the street to kiss me.

I love when the little boy inside him comes out to play, and he is in a playful mood.

I love that he will surprise me by e-mailing me a picture of me/him/us from a long time ago.

I love that he offers me a glass of wine and/or a kiss when I'm being pissy.

I love that he is sentimental about things pertaining to us.

I love that he insists that I come down from my office building just to kiss him hello when I can't meet him for lunch.

I love that he OFFERS to hold my purse when I'm busy doing something.

I think that's enough ... for now! ;)

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